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Sam D. Mann

16 June 2010

SEO Starts With Keywords Design

"Money is plentiful for those who understand its simple laws which govern its acquisition" George Clason


Pull Out Your Calendar Now
... and circle today's date. Then count ahead 30 days and circle that day too.
That day will be coming very fast. Those who act on this opportunity would be laughing all the way to the bank. Those who don't will continue to read about others making five and six figures.

By now I think most people in the world know about blogs. What most don't know as there is a great income to be made as well for free.

Rob Benwell is only a mere 24 years old and has already made several million dollars. Early in 2006 he shared his secrets with the world in his highly successful Blogging To The Bank e-book and has made making money online a whole lot easier for everyone.

Just over two years after the success of his first book and over 20,000 copies sold of it and the 2007 2.0 update he is now releasing his third version of Blogging to the Bank helping to keep the big bucks rolling in.

I got this book as soon as I could and it covers quite a lot of new information and techniques to adapt your blog to the new demands of the major search engines. Many of the techniques in the old book are now dated and don't work so well. This is why Blogging To The Bank 2010 is a godsend.

You also get his 5 Blogging Commandments For 2010 that you must follow to give you blogs the greatest success in 2010 and keep them future proofed.

Everything is covered in this new outing that helps bloggers with today's online issues regarding making the all mighty search engines happy.

My Verdict? if you are out there in the blogging world and want to make money the easy way then I highly recommend Blogging To The Bank 2010.

Best wishes

Sam D. Mann

That's it for the moment. Have a great day!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's an excellent post for you to read. Penned by one of my many Guest Authors...


SEO Starts With Keywords Design

by Aya Wilkinson

Keywords are the most important and frequently used method of bringing more traffic to a website. To implement certain Search Engine Optimisation, in short SEO, keywords have an important role, though keywords are a small portion of overall SEO plan.

Keyword research is essential to identify how your prospective customers are using the search engines and to find the information or products they want. To get the best results by SEO, you need to put these words or phrases on your site with ensuring that these words are relevant for your target customers.

At the very beginning when webmasters and content providers started site optimisation they realised that this process will be the future's most important online marketing tool, keywords were stuffed and hidden all over a website as a trick to get higher rank on search engine result pages. But now these tricks were revealed and you need to use your keywords openly and clearly.

Search engines algorithm indexes a site based on the keyword. Therefore, in order to optimise your site and to bring more traffic to your site you must use the keywords properly. This will ensure that the customer hits the right keyword instantly and can reach your web page quickly.

Placements of the keywords are generally a tactful action. Generally it can be added with Meta tags in your HTML code. It may not be the essential technique but still important.

Placement of keywords depends on what type of web page you are developing. In case of web 2.0 properties like Squidoo lens, Hub Page or Google Knol, then it better to have a keyword with the registered URL, in the titles, subtitles and text content of your site, and also there may be other tagging space available to fill in. For blogpost it is better to have the keywords in URL, but at the same time it is essential to make sure that your blog templates are added with this strategy. You can set you preferences under settings and then permalinks.

Putting keywords on the title tags located at top right of your documents in the head tag will allow your text to be shown on search engine result like a headline. Keywords that can relate human will improve the chances of bringing more traffic to your website. Link all the pages on your website with exact same keyword. Better to use more keywords to link a specific page.

Mention the keywords once or twice throughout your articles. Use bold option and different colors for the most important key words and you can place them at the top of your article and in the sub headings. Do not stuff your page with meaningless words.

SEO experts disagree about the density of keywords required on your website. According to some experts it should be maximum 2% and others vow for as high as 10%. Since there is no specification, you need to write same for both organic visitors and search engines algorithm. Keywords should be enough but not more which will make your content boring and the visitors will turn off.

About the Author:


Sam D. Mann here with a Useful Tip Of The Day -
There are lots of Wordpress plugins you possibly can utilize to obtain auto content, boost the running of your Blog, as well as having it listed in the search engines. Here are 2 Very Powerful & Profitable WordPress Plugins That Could
Automatically Grow Your Blogs At The Push Of A Button!

SEO Tip Of The Day.

Validate your websites:
CSS W3C CSS validation Service FREE
HTML W3C Markup Validation Service FREE. Then check for errors and broken links.

My thoughts for today...

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